Replace the image on the hero section in the layers panel. Then add some subcopy about the ministry here.
The Deacon Ministry at FBCPS is all about serving. Our main priority is follow the Biblical mandate to take care of the widows & orphans in our church community. We do not guide our Pastor in what to preach, we do not pick out carpet colors, and we do not govern the church...we simply serve. Deacons at FBCPS serve a 3 year term and then must take a 1 year hiatus before going through the nomination process to serve another term.
Allen Martin
Larry Darnell
Jonathan Hawley
Handle the offertory prayer for both Sunday morning services and the Sunday evening service. You can have your associate help with this responsibility as needed.
Work with the usher captain in the collection of the offering. . If you are unsure of what is needed or are new, please give the Deacon Chairman a call and it can be discussed.
Check the church conference room after the 11:00AM service for any visitors who may need to be contacted that Sunday afternoon. As necessary, coordinate prospect visits after 2PM with your visiting deacons. If a visit is made, at least two deacons should be on the visit.
Provide parking lot duty the following Wednesday evening. Duty should be maintained at least until the nursery workers leave but preferably until adult choir practice is over. Plan to identify yourself to the nursery workers.
Provide parking lot duty the Sunday after you are Deacon of the Week during both Sunday morning services. It is recommended that you have your visiting deacons and associates assist so coverage can be provided for all parking areas.
If you cannot be present on your assigned Sunday, please contact another Deacon to swap weeks with you and let the Deacon Chairman know if this is done.
Area Description. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Area Description. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Feel free to reach out to us, we’d love to help.